Our social relevance is bigger than ever. In Western countries, children spend more and more time in front of a screen and spend less time being active and playing outside. Their world is becoming more individualistic, while obesity is on the rise. In the developing countries, on the other hand, there is a lot of poverty, drug abuse, and gender discrimination. This prevents children from getting the most out of themselves and may even lead them astray.

Sport can make a change for all these children, as sport is a universal language for children, regardless of their background, culture, religion, or ability. Sport fosters personal development, self-confidence, and connection, things that every child, anywhere in the world, is entitled to. This is why the Cruyff Foundation creates space for children. To get and keep them active. We do this with our projects like Cruyff Courts, Schoolyard14, sports projects for children with special needs and social sports programs. We are also involved in various initiatives that contribute to getting children active, for example with partners or partner foundations.