With more than 750 clubs, Basic-Fit is the biggest and fastest growing fitness provider in Europe. We are active in five countries, and more than 2.1 million members work on improving their health and condition in our clubs. Basic-Fit works with a simple membership model and offers a high-quality, favourable fitness experience that meets the fitness needs of all active people who consider their personal health and condition important.
With this partnership, Basic-Fit and the Cruyff Foundation are going to help young people engage in sports and have fun. The two partners share the same values and the wish to make children aware of the benefits of being physically active and of a healthier lifestyle. Together they will contribute with sports sessions and workshops to children getting more out of life – both mentally and physically. They will particularly do this at locations of the Cruyff Foundation such as the Cruyff Courts and Schoolyards14. The partnership with the Cruyff Foundation enables Basic-Fit to develop its sponsorship programme for children and young people, to promote sports among this young generation
