Contact form Cruyff Courts

Please name the location your comment is about.

Contact form Cruyff Courts

If you are interested in developing a Cruyff Court, you can submit an application by completing the application form.

In this form you are asked to answer questions such as why you want to start a Cruyff Court, the envisioned location, and the involved parties in terms of funding, management, and activation. We will contact you within three weeks of the application being submitted. If you have any questions about the Cruyff Courts or about the related activities, please contact us by filling in the contact form on the right-hand side of the page.


When assessing the suitability of a location for a Cruyff Court we consider the following criteria:

  • A Cruyff Court must be of added value to the community.
  • A Cruyff Court is co-funded by municipalities, corporations, partners, and/or local contributions.
  • A Cruyff Court is the property of and is managed by the municipality.
  • There must be support with the community, including amongst residents and neighbourhood organisations.
  • A Cruyff Court must be or become a central place in the community.
  • The field must make a contribution to making sports more accessible to young people.
  • Sport is not the only objective of a Cruyff Court; it is also a resource for the development of important themes such as social responsibility, integration, playing together, and values and norms.
  • The Cruyff Court will become part of a multifunctional environment.
  • A Cruyff Foundation Coach will be trained who will run a Heroes of the Cruyff Courts program at least once a year.
  • A minimum of six hours of social management on the Cruyff Court per week in the form of activities or supervision is needed to get the best out of these themes.
  • The municipality will demonstrate how it will plan this social programming together with residents and local organisations in the next few years.
  • The municipality will show how it will evaluate this collaboration with all participants

Special Cruyff Court

If you are interested in developing a Special Cruyff Court, we will gladly contact you, as the needs and requirements for a Special Cruyff Court will be specific to each institution. You will receive a response from us within three weeks to explore the possibilities, including funding possibilities. If you have any questions about the Special Cruyff Courts, please contact us.